PCUG Addiction Treatment

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Residential Drug Rehab Information

PCUG Addiction Treatment .co.uk provide free medical information, research articles and news on drug and alcohol addictions to help inform professionals. Below are a selection of news articles, academic research papers and information articles relating to Residential Drug Rehab


Residential Drug Rehab

Residential Drug Rehab

Residential drug rehab gives the person an opportunity to recover from their addiction in a safe, supportive environment. A structured programme of psychological, educational, and social therapy is provided, which aims at preparing the individual to better manage a drug or alcohol free life back in society. Programmes vary in duration from one week to nine months or longer.

When an individual enters a Residential drug rehab , their treatment will usually be split into two parts; the physical detox, and then the psychological support. The physical detox will usually take between one and two weeks, depending on the severity of the dependence. Once an individual has completed the detox, rehab will focus on the psychological aspects of the dependence. A structured programme of psychological, educational and social therapy is provided, which aims at preparing the patient to better manage a drug or alcohol free life back in society. The minimum residential period recommended for psychological support is four weeks, but the longer a person commits to spending in treatment, the higher the chance of success.

Rehab centres will often encourage participation in support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or Cocaine Anonymous which will prepare individuals for life after treatment, and help them to feel comfortable attending such meetings. It is generally accepted that it is essential for addicted individuals to engage in a period of aftercare on completion of rehab. Aftercare should comprise ongoing medical and psychological support as indicated, and will usually consist of a combination of counselling, group work, and attendance of the appropriate Anonymous meetings. In some cases prescribing of medication to prevent or reduce the chances of relapse may be beneficial, as may the treatment of ongoing psychiatric problems, such as depression.

Residential drug rehab

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