PCUG Addiction Treatment


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Addiction advisor.co.uk is a leading online provider of free medical information about Drug Addiction.

This part of the website contains medical information on the words associated with drug addiction and drug treatment.

Drug Information: Shiatsu alternative therapy for drug addiction


The Ki Kai Shiatsu Centre has been working in the field of substance misuse or drug abuse treatment, providing treatment for current and ex-drug users, in a variety of settings.

It is apparent that Shiatsu is very popular amongst people accessing help with drug problems, invariably more popular than counselling and second only to free prescription drugs.

Evidence for the effectiveness of complimentary therapies such as Shiatsu in improving substance misuse or drug abuse treatment outcomes is limited. This is largely due to the lack of studies rather than due to the existence of evidence which disproves their effectiveness.

There is widespread agreement that the availability of some complimentary therapies such as Shiatsu increases attendance at specialist services; this may then act to improve engagement with other interventions of proven efficacy.

Is Shiatsu and effective drug addiction treatment?

The conclusions that Chris Osborne (researching at the Ki Kai Shiatsu Centre)draws about the use of Shiatsu are as follows: Shiatsu is not a treatment for addiction but can form an effective part of the response to it. It is most effective when people are drug free or nearing the end of their drug using careers. Current and ex-drug users like Shiatsu because it is pleasurable, which arguably is the best reason for doing anything.

So Shiatsu can form an effective part of the drug rehab process.

How can PCUG Addiction Treatment help?


Our professional advisors are available to you 12 hours daily, 7 days a week, to help you with expert, completely practical advice about drug addiction and alcoholism, free-of-charge. All appropriate forms of treatment can be arranged wherever you live. Telephone 0845 555 444 now for advice in confidence.

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I cannot say enough, how helpful it was talking to a professional on that Sunday evening. It was of immense help and I am very grateful. You are most welcome to use my e-mail address. Thank you PCUG Addiction Treatment.co.uk.

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