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Seek help for depression whilst being treated for drug addiction

In many cases rehab therapy is necessary for people to address all of the issues associated with their drug addiction.  However in some instances it is more important than others.  One such instance is for those who are suffering from other mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety as well as addiction.  Residential rehab therapy can be essential for such people, as it allows them to better understand themselves and hopeful overcome all the issues that they are currently facing. 

It is also very important for individuals who are suffering from depression at the time of their drug use seek help for this issue, as a recent study has found that these individuals are considerably more likely to reuse drugs sooner than those who do not suffer from depression (science Daily, 2011).

It is also interesting to note that it appears that only current depression may be a risk factor, not depression in general.  The researchers suggest that those who are suffering from active depression while in treatment programs are those at risk, not individuals who have had depression in the past.  This finding may have important implications for both public and private residential rehab therapy programs, as it may mean that more emphasis needs to be placed on those who have current depression, and efforts may need to be made to address this before treatment will be effective.

Unfortunately depression that coincides with addiction is not uncommon, but as more research investigates the connections between the two issues, it increases the chances of developing more suitable treatment programs for individuals in this situation, and hopefully help increase the chances of successful treatment outcomes.

Science Daily.  (2011).  Current, not prior, depression predicts crack cocaine use.  Sourced from:

Published by on 19/04/2020.

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