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Chapter One: Are You Physically Addicted to Alcohol?

How do i know if i'm physically addicted to alcohol?

In this modern day world of theory and technological advance, many specialists seem to have forgotten the central importance of a vital distinction in addiction - that of psychological addiction versus physical addiction. For people with alcoholism this distinction has huge practical implications - if you are physically addicted to alcohol to cease its use suddenly may be fatal. If you are not physically addicted, but are psychologically addicted it would be safe for you to stop drinking suddenly, and you are also more likely to be able to achieve on-going 'controlled drinking' in the future - more on this later.

The presence of physical addiction to alcohol is ascertained by the occurrence of 'withdrawal symptoms' when you have not had a drink for a period of time. If you suffer from ANY of the following when you have not had a drink for a period of time, then you are likely to be physically addicted to alcohol:

If you can answer yes to ANY of the followingthen you are likely to be physically addicted toalcohol:

  • I get sweaty if I go without a drink for too long.
  • I get a tremor, or shake if I go without a drink for too long.
  • I feel sick or vomit if I go without a drink for too long.
  • I feel panicky, anxious and agitated if I go without a drink for too long.

Next page .. Chapter One - What does 'without a drink for too long' mean'?

How To Enjoy Life Without Alcohol index