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US mothers experience with drug addicted daughter

When an individuals suffers from a drug addiction, it is often not only the individual in question that suffers, but also those around them, who feel helpless and hopeless at their inability to do anything to help.

Initially drug use is often a choice made by an individual, but it can very quickly spiral out of control and become something that an individual has very little control over, they eventually begin to need these drugs and develop a physical dependency which can only be tackled with intense treatments.  But encouraging an individual to engage in a treatment program can seem impossible, and in most cases they are the ones that make the decision, and this can leave many loved ones feeling very frustrated, as they are witnesses to self destructive behaviour that they can do nothing about.  It is often only if an individual is caught by the justice system that they can be coerced into attending treatment and while this can be a positive thing it can lead to a black mark in their lives which can still be difficult to overcome in the future. 

A recent incident in the USA has lead a desperate mother to try and convince the US government to put into place rules that allow loved ones to force an individual into drug rehabilitation against their will (Trust Law, 2012).  Sharon Blaire's experiences with her drug addicted daughter have led her to conclude that in some situations it may be best for relatives to be able to force their loved ones into rehab if they are unwilling to go on their own.  She believes that if she had been able to coerce her daughter into treatment she would not have overdosed on drugs and died at the age of 24. 

The debate raises a lot of difficult issues, and it is not an easy subject to address.  One the one hand individuals who are suffering from addiction may be suffering from impaired cognition and may be less able to make sensible decisions, however this does not necessarily mean that because an individual makes a poor decision, they should have their right to decide taken away from them.  It is very difficult as enforcing treatment can help save a life, but it is a moral decision whether individuals should be forced into treatments when they do not wish to do so. 

The debate not likely to be resolved any time soon, but is certainly one that needs to be addressed, and needs to consider views from all sides. 

Trust Law.  (2012).  Grieving mom lobbies for mandatory drug rehab.  Sourced from:

Published by on 27/07/2020.

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